Friday, September 01, 2006

Cell phone on a plane! THE Movie?

Chances of snakes on a plane.. slim to none..
chances of cell phone usage on a plane... looking good...
European airline Ryanair announced yesterday that it will be installing mobile communication equipment via OnAir to allow passengers to call, text, and email using mobile phones in flightat rates that mirror intl roaming charges..installation is to begin next year to 50 planes.. they are the first european airline to offer europe wide mobile telephony.. not only does europe get awesome cell phones first..but nowt this!?.. but when I think about it..I dont think I would like it too much especially on long intl overnite flights...if anything it should be restricted to text and email usage.


Glenda, saved by grace said...

I think your right, how anoying to have to listen to someones phone conversation, and to not be able to move!!! Please help, Go VOTE for Whitney Rodriguez :) This is my darling daughter, Whitney. She performed in Las Vegas back in July 2006 in the USA World Showcase. Whitney was 12 years old at the time and is her first really big performance. She won 1st place in the category of “Most Promising Country Music Singer”. This voting determines the winner of $50,000.00 Hear a little bit of her performance: She is #59 This would really boost her college fund! Pass this email on to your friends and family if you feel the performance warrants it. Thank you in advance for your participation,