Wednesday, November 29, 2006

cingular's Music phone??? ha!

got to love them for at least trying to sell this new samsung "blackjack" phone as a music phone? well the XM capability is semi-cool but then again xm is so 2002..the phone itself reminds me too much of the moto Q runing Microsoft OS and we all know how much of a disaster that unit is.. and up to 1GB of memory!! wow thats impressing.. not! want a music phone...?? look at the nokia n91 with 4-8GB internal memory....
enough bashing on cingular..after all they are my provider.. I was impressed when I saw the cingular source site where you can get a bunch of things - ringback tones, mp3s, streaming radio, videos, etc - its actually a bit overwhelming even for me.. so I guess you have to be a 17 year old wired on mountain dew...