Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Im BAck! from mexico

I know its been almost a week since I posted anything, but Im back home now after a week in Mexico city. I will blame it on the poor internet connection at the hotel but I guess that didnt matter much to Bono of U2 that was also staying @ the camino real. Nice hotel I recommended!
I walked around expocomm/von/linuxworld to see what was new and I must say Ive never seen so many hot girls in a convetion center full of voip/linux geeks..but I barely paid attention to them (seriously) when there was so much cool gadgets and fresh technology.
LG had the best booth....they had hot booth babes..breakdancing boys...plenty of new phones..photo posing and a bar on the second level.. Hi Cathy and Sara :)

nokia was not far behind even though their booth babes were not wearing the skimpy outfits like LG girls..then again displaying their N series phones like the N91 and N80 they didnt have to.

aside from these two major booths there was plenty of mobile presence with booths with accessories such as cases, bling bling for your phone, customed phone casings. The talk about 3G and EVDO and mobile content possibilites was definately the talk in the air..
I would have to say I was impressed with the 3G pressence and deployment in mexico with companies like iusacell offering full lenght movies and other video and multimedia on demand as well as broadband access for laptops...much like Verizon here in the US with Vcas... its great all this is available now but what i think needs some attention is the cell phone battery side of the industry..whats the point of all these capabilities when it drains your battery 2-3 times faster and thats w\out using bluetooth..I ran across a pretty cool idea..cell phone battery charger booths...it looked like a candy machine where you put in your coins..slide your cell pohne battery and 20mins later you have some juice..good idea..but waiting around 20 mins? for only a 40-50% charge.. not good enough for a true mobile person...