Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mobile ESPN....for the Sport Junkies

if you're a hard-core sports fan, or sports gambler Mobile ESPN is for you..this is another proove on how targeted, personalized mobile service with lots and lots of on demand customized content is where it's heading and who cares about being part of the 5o million cingular customers.. when they arent as cool as I am with my ESPN MVP cell phone!
Mobile ESPN just like Ampd is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) renting broadband EVDO from Sprint which will allow Mobile ESPN to deliver small, crisp and colorful video clips to the screen. Mobile ESPN launches nationwide on Super Bowl Sunday and will deliver league standings, team and individual statistics, injury reports, trade news, player rankings, schedules, scoreboards -- including pitch-by-pitch gamecasts -- and the latest betting lines. There's even a way to get your beer and nachos too! ok just kidding about the last part.. but man that would be nice...