Friday, June 16, 2006


I'm back from Vegas which was my after-Globalcomm was a great time mainly because I had no computer access and the blackberry was off (ok most of the time)..
I didnt come back a millionaire but maybe a bit more popular.. Here is some coverage of globalcomm where I was featured...

First it was the Radio show I did on Tele-semana which is a Latin American publication that covers the telecomm industry with a circulation of over 10,000.. it was a live broadcast from Chicago but was also recorded and can be heard on Radio Tele-semana if you understand spanish, its on the right hand side 2nd down... this was my first time being interviewed in spanish where I got to talk about next generation networks, VoIP, IMS, nextone and more...I had previously done something similar on VON TV @ Spring VON 06 in San Jose this past March but I havent seen that link yet..

The other coverage I came accross was "Globalcomm 2006: in Pictures" coverage from Lightreading (which is is the ultimate source for technology and financial analysis of the communications industry) the coverage can be seen here theres a pic of me and my partners in crime (pic 4) Dan and Lisa having a few drinks after the show@ their Heavy Drinking party.. whats next? CNN and the oprah show!!