Friday, April 20, 2007

the will ferrel "the landlord" and why internet tv will outwin cable

Im up early this morning (even though I went out for a few last nite) and Im channel surfing with nothing to watch I get to my encore channels - Ive been having issues with these channels and comcast has done a horrible job at fixing the situation (but they do a great job at charging my Amex right on time!) I turned it off and got online to check RSS feeds.. I come accross a new internet tv/comedy site called funny or die .. the site isnt a start up by another 20 year old..its actually backed by sequoia capital (vcs who backed apple, google, youtube and yahoo) and so far its done good by the buzz and views of "the landlord" a will ferrell 2 minute clip that had 7+ milliion views in 24 hours! to love viral marketing..but even though will ferrell is in it I have to say that its the 2 year old who makes this clip what it the video...and if you are like me start looking more and more at internet tv and get rid of comcast because at $108 a month they do a horrible job at providing cable tv.. this is why internet tv will shake down cable providers much like internet telephony (VoIP) shook down telephone providers.. it wasnt just about the price, (dont get me wrong paying $60 for local verizon vs $25 on vonage is a no brainer) but it was also about features like follow me, voicemail emails, etc..same applies for internet tv..the fact that i can watch it, share it, digg it, save it, comment it is very cool and not available with cable...I was more entertained by a free 2 min clip than I probably wouldve had been by watching anythingn on tv at 6:30am when there is nothing but infomercials..